State of the Union addresses by José Manuel Barroso - European Commission Skip to main content
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State of the Union addresses by José Manuel Barroso

European Commission President 2004 – 2014

José Manuel Barroso, President of the EC, delivered the State of the Union Address 2013

Solidarity is a key element of what being part of Europe is all about, and something to take pride in. Safeguarding its values, such as the rule of law, is what the European Union was made to do, from its inception to the latest chapters in enlargement.

José Manuel Barroso, 2013

State of the Union Address 2013

Main themes: economic recovery, European integration, deepening the Economic and Monetary Union, European elections 2014

Address | Video

State of the Union Address 2012

Main themes: a new thinking for Europe, Decisive Deal for Europe, Treaty change, 17/27 dimension and expanding public debate

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State of the Union Address 2011

Main themes: financial transaction tax (FTT), eurozone bond, economic crisis, defence sector integration

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State of the Union Address 2010

Main themes: EU Economic governance, growth, freedom, security and justice, EU Budget and the EU on the global stage

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