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State of the Union

13 September 2023

State of the Union address

It is the moment to show to the young generation that we can build a continent where you can be who you are, love who you want, and aim as high as you want. A continent reconciled with nature and leading the way on new technologies. A continent that is united in freedom and peace. This is Europe’s moment to once again answer the call of history.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

Charting the course of our European future

In her State of the Union address on 13 September 2023, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen outlined the main priorities and flagship initiatives for the year to come, building on the European Union's successes and achievements of the past years.

Proposed initiatives

  • Green dotted circle
    A European Green Deal
    • European Wind Power Package
    • 2040 climate target
    • Initiative for water resilience
  • Turquoise dotted circle
    A Europe fit for the digital age
    • EU Space Law
    • Strategy on Space Data Economy
    • Initiative to open up European supercomputer capacity to ethical and responsible AI start-ups
  • Orange dotted circle
    An economy that works for people
    • EU Biotech and Biomanufacturing Initiative
    • Follow up to the Val Duchesse Summit
    • Advanced Materials for industrial leadership
    • Initiative on rules on the European Works Council
  • Violet dotted circle
    A stronger Europe in the world
    • Strengthen partnership with Africa
    • European Defence industrial strategy
  • Light blue dotted circle
    Promoting our European way of life
    • Extension of Temporary Protection for people fleeing Ukraine
    • Action Plan on anti-drug trafficking, including European Ports Alliance
    • Update the legal framework and strengthen cooperation to fight the smuggling of migrants
    • Joint European degree
  • Pink dotted circle
    A new push for European democracy
    • Communication on pre-enlargement reforms and policy reviews
    • Commission Recommendation on integrated child protection systems

Letter of Intent

President von der Leyen also sent a Letter of Intent to Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament, and Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez of Spain, which currently holds the Presidency of the Council. In it, she details the actions the Commission intends to take in the following year by means of legislation and other initiatives.

State of the Union 2023 - President von der Leyen's letter of intent

Von der Leyen Commission: Achievements 2022-2023

Over the past year, Europeans have weathered an energy crisis, welcomed into their homes millions of Ukrainian refugees in the largest displacement of people since the Second World War, and boosted the economy with unprecedented European investments

Another year of unprecedented challenges and the EU has risen to the occasion once again. 

Collection of images with hands holding and flags of Ukraine
Europe: Promises kept

Main achievements

State of the Union 2023 – Achievements 2022-2023

Your Europe, Your stories

  • Nikola Rahnev smiles at camera from his house in front of a Ukrainian flag

    Local hero in Pernik

    rebuilding communities

  • A photo of Hayley Bugeja smiling

    Malta’s top football striker

    breaks gender barriers

  • A man and woman are learning new computer skills with a woman teaching them


    helping young French people get their first job
