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Ursula von der Leyen and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Defending European peace

United to support Ukraine

Providing help and support to the people of Ukraine

In a historic first, only days after the start of the Russian invasion, on 4 March 2022, the EU brought the Temporary Protection Directive into effect. Ukrainian refugees were granted rights within the EU, including residence permits, access to the labour market, housing provisions, medical care, and vitally, educational opportunities for children. 

EU Member States have opened their homes and hearts to millions of Ukrainian refugees of war, offering temporary protection to approximately four million individuals. 

5.4 million Individuals internally displaced within Ukraine, 20% Ukraine's children have found a safe haven in the EU

In figures

Thanks to the EU and other donors

Infographic showing EU support to Ukraine in figures

  • Most Ukrainian refugees in the EU are well integrated

    This is especially true in Estonia, where almost half of the working Ukrainians are already in active employment.

Supporting refugees fleeing the war

The CAREinitiatives (Cohesion’s Action for Refugees in Europe and Flexible Assistance to Territories) introduced extensive flexibilities in the Cohesion Policy, allowing for the reprogramming of up to €17 billion of 2014-2020 unallocated funds to support people fleeing the Russian invasion.

EU Civil Protection Mechanism

Through the activation of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, the EU has efficiently channelled aid to Ukraine from all 27 EU countries, as well as Iceland, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Türkiye. 

Infographic showing EU civil protection support to Ukraine


Making full use of the EU's economic and financial strength

The EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes have facilitated the export of a staggering 49 million tonnes of Ukrainian agricultural products. These vital corridors not only ensure the export of agricultural goods but also the import of requisite commodities. The total trade value realised through this corridor is estimated to be around €99 billion. 

In February 2023, a landmark pact was inked between the Commission and Ukraine, associating Ukraine with the Single Market Programme, an endeavour designed to facilitate market access, foster a conducive business environment, and stimulate long-term sustainable growth.

Infographic showing EU support to Ukraine's economy and finance

  1. 2023

    The EU is providing a support package for Ukraine of up to €18 billion, in the form of highly concessional loans. Thanks to this, Ukraine is able to keep paying wages and pensions and maintain essential public services, such as hospitals, schools, and housing for relocated people. It also helps ensure macroeconomic stability and restore critical infrastructure destroyed.

  2. 2022

    The EU channelled €7.2 billion in macro-financial assistance to ensure the continuous operation of Ukraine’s government and public services.

Maintaining critical infrastructures

Nuclear safety

Since Russia continues putting civil nuclear installations at risk, the EU has provided Ukraine with more than €54.8 million in nuclear safety-related material assistance from the rescEU strategic reserve, such as restoring equipment and laboratories.


In response to Russia's brazen attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, emergency measures were swiftly undertaken. Already early in the war, the EU made a decisive move to stabilise the electricity systems of Ukraine and Moldova, synchronising their electricity grids with the continental European Grid.

Infographic showing EU support to Ukraine's energy infrastructure


The European Commission successfully negotiated with EU and Ukrainian telecom operators to allow Ukrainian refugees to use their mobile phones with minimal or no roaming charges for a period of three months. In addition to making roaming affordable, the EU distributed 2.5 million SIM cards to Ukrainians seeking refuge and established Wi-Fi hotspots at border points and shelters.

Helping Ukraine defend itself

€20 billion in military support to Ukraine (EU + Member States)

The European Peace Facility, with its funding of €5.6 billion, has enabled the delivery of tanks, helicopters, air defence systems, missiles, and ammunition.

The EU Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine has trained more than 25 000 Ukrainian soldiers. We are on a steady path towards our target of fully training 30 000 Ukrainian soldiers by the year's end.

In July 2023, the Act in Support of Ammunition Production (ASAP), entered into force. This Regulation will see specific, targeted measures to boost production and ensure a secure supply of ammunition within Europe.

The EU bolstered Ukraine’s cyber resilience with an investment of €10 million towards equipment, software, and other related support.

Holding Russia accountable

Currently, Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office is investigating over 100 000 instances of alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity – which are deemed to be the gravest infringements of international law. The EU has been dedicated in its support of the investigation and prosecution of these crimes, in light of the increasing amount of evidence.

The EU is dedicating €7.5 million to assist the International Criminal Court's investigations into the war crimes perpetrated by Russia. The Commission also supported the creation of the International Centre for the prosecution of the crime of aggression against Ukraine. The Centre, which started its operations in July 2023, supports and enhances ongoing and future investigations into the crime of aggression and contributes to the exchange and analysis of evidence gathered since the start of the Russian aggression.

Imposing sanctions to weaken Russia's war machine

11 powerful sanctions packages against Russia enacted by the EU

These sanctions strike at the heart of Russia’s economy, depriving it of key technologies and markets, and severely hindering the Kremlin's ability to finance and conduct the war. 

Infographic showing EU sanctions on Russia in response to the war on Ukraine

Sanctions have also been adopted by the EU against Belarus in response to its involvement in the invasion of Ukraine. Iran has also been sanctioned in relation to the manufacture and supply of drones used to attack Ukraine. The EU has also enacted a stringent ‘anti-circumvention clause’ that prohibits EU citizens or businesses from knowingly and intentionally circumventing sanctions.

Reconstruction and Ukraine's European path

Ukraine’s future lies in the European Union. This commitment was confirmed during the first-ever College-to-Government meeting and the EU-Ukraine Summit in February 2023. Since June 2022, Ukraine has been given candidate status, on the condition that it would undertake key reforms. Ukraine has progressed on the necessary reform steps outlined in the Commission’s Opinion on Ukraine’s application for membership of the EU. 

Despite the ongoing war, the EU has already started to shape the foundations of Ukraine’s reconstruction, and international efforts have been initiated. 

Infographic showing EU support to Ukraine's reconstruction

  1. June 2023

    Proposed Facility for Ukraine worth up to €50 billion within the EU budget, planned for 2024-2027 to address both immediate recovery needs and medium-term modernisation efforts in view of implementing key reforms on its EU accession track

  2. January 2023

    The multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform was launched to facilitate coordination among international donors and financial organisations to ensure support is provided in a coherent, transparent, and accountable manner

  3. October 2022

    The Commission and Germany, as the then G7 chair, co-hosted the International Expert Conference on the Recovery, Reconstruction and Modernisation of Ukraine in Berlin

Opening a new phase in the unification of our continent

The shockwaves sent by Putin’s war of aggression immediately reached our six Western Balkans partners. We extended to the Western Balkans the very same solidarity measures that we have taken inside our Union. In December 2022, we saw a historic EU–Western Balkans Summit, with the meeting being held in the region for the first time. In June 2023, President von der Leyen unveiled a new growth plan for the Western Balkans. 

In June 2023, at the second meeting of the European Political Community, President von der Leyen announced a new 300-million-euro support package to help Moldova face the challenge of a war on its doorstep, and to speed up their European integration. 

Strengthening European defence

There has also been a boost in EU defence cooperation. In a referendum on 1 June 2022, Danish voters supported Denmark joining the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy ending Denmark’s 30-year-long opt-out on EU’s defence cooperation. 

Since 2021, the Commission has successfully initiated and implemented the European Defence Fund (EDF). Thus far, projects have received more than €3 billion – an investment into the defence technologies and systems of tomorrow. In 2023, the EDF will inject another €1.2 billion into projects in crucial defence domains, such as space situational awareness, countering hypersonic missiles, and the prototype development of a European patrol corvette. 



Disclaimer: The data on this page was last updated on 8 September 2023

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