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Stat tal-Unjoni 2022

14 ta' Settembru 2022

Il-Kummissjoni von der Leyen: 2021-2022

F’Diċembru 2019, il-Kummissjoni von der Leyen stabbilixxiet triq ġdida u ambizzjuża lejn Unjoni Ewropea aktar ekoloġika, aktar diġitali u aktar ġusta. Dan il-perkors inżamm, twettqu s-sitt ambizzjonijiet ewlenin kollha, filwaqt li ġew immaniġġjati żewġ kriżijiet bla preċedent – il-pandemija tal-coronavirus u l-gwerra mhux ġustifikata u mhux provokata tar-Russja kontra l-Ukrajna.

Din hija retrospettiva tas-sena li għaddiet, li tinkludi l-azzjonijiet tagħna biex nappoġġjaw lill-Ukrajna u nnaqqsu d-dipendenza tal-UE fuq il-fjuwils fossili Russi, kif ukoll il-ħidma tagħna biex inwettqu l-prijoritajiet politiċi kollha. Dan kollu filwaqt li tissaħħaħ ir-reżiljenza tal-UE għall-benefiċċju taċ-ċittadini tagħna.

  • 8 SETTEMBRU 2022
L-Istat tal-Unjoni 2022 - Kisbiet


Lista ta’ kisbiet

Wind turbine
Enerġija affordabbli, sigura u sostenibbli għall-Ewropa

Key moments

  1. 19 ta' Lulju 2022

    L-Unjoni Ewropea tibda n-negozjati tal-adeżjoni mal-Albanija u mal-Maċedonja ta’ Fuq.

  2. 13 ta' Lulju 2022

    Ir-Rapport tal-2022 dwar l-Istat tad-Dritt: Il-Kummissjoni toħroġ rakkomandazzjonijiet speċifiċi lill-Istati Membri.

  3. 5 ta' Lulju 2022

    Il-Kummissjoni tadotta l-Aġenda Ewropea għall-Innovazzjoni Ġdida biex l-Ewropa tkun fuq quddiem nett fil-mewġa l-ġdida ta’ innovazzjoni teknoloġika profonda u ta’ negozji ġodda.

  4. 1 ta' Lulju 2022

    Ir-regoli l-ġodda dwar ir-roaming jidħlu fis-seħħ f’waqthom, biex jiżguraw benefiċċji kontinwi għaċ-ċittadini ta’ “roaming daqslikieku f’pajjiżhom”.

  5. 30 ta' Ġunju 2022

    Il-President tal-Kummissjoni von der Leyen u l-Prim Ministru ta’ New Zealand Jacinda Ardern iħabbru l-konklużjoni tan-negozjati ta’ ftehim kummerċjali komprensiv.

    Il-Parlament u l-Istati Membri tal-UE jilħqu ftehim politiku dwar regolament ġdid biex jiġu indirizzati d-distorsjonijiet ikkawżati minn sussidji barranin fis-suq uniku.

    Finanzi diġitali: Il-koleġiżlaturi jilħqu ftehim dwar ir-regolament Ewropew dwar il-kriptoassi. Dan il-qafas legali ġdid se jipproteġi lill-konsumaturi, l-integrità tas-suq u l-istabbiltà finanzjarja, filwaqt li jippermetti aktar innovazzjoni fis-settur tal-kriptoassi.

  6. 24 ta' Ġunju 2022

    L-UE tiżvela l-aġenda mġedda dwar il-Governanza Internazzjonali tal-Oċeani.

  7. 23 ta' Ġunju 2022

    Il-Laqgħa tal-Mexxejja tal-UE u tal-Balkani tal-Punent qabel il-laqgħa tal-Kunsill Ewropew fi Brussell.

    Il-mexxejja tal-UE jagħtu l-istatus ta’ kandidat lill-Ukrajna u lill-Moldova.

  8. 22 ta' Ġunju 2022

    Il-Kummissjoni tadotta proposti biex tirrestawra n-natura tal-Ewropa sal-2050 u tnaqqas bin-nofs l-użu tal-pestiċidi b’50% sal-2030.

  9. 16 ta' Ġunju 2022

    Isir qbil dwar Kodiċi ta’ Prattika Ġdid dwar id-Diżinformazzjoni, ibbażat fuq il-gwida tal-Kummissjoni minn Mejju 2021.

  10. 7 ta' Ġunju 2022

    Jintlaħaq ftehim politiku dwar proposta relatata mal-bilanċ bejn il-ġeneri fuq il-bordijiet tal-kumpaniji.

  11. 3 ta' Ġunju 2022

    L-UE taqbel dwar is-sitt pakkett ta’ miżuri restrittivi kontra r-Russja, inkluża projbizzjoni fuq il-biċċa l-kbira tal-importazzjonijiet taż-żejt mir-Russja.

  12. 25 ta' Mejju 2022

    Il-Kummissjoni tipproponi regoli dwar il-kriminalizzazzjoni tal-ksur ta’ miżuri restrittivi u dwar l-iffriżar u l-konfiska tal-assi ta’ persuni li jiksru miżuri restrittivi u kriminali oħra.

  13. 23 ta' Mejju 2022

    Il-Kummissjoni tadotta pjan ta’ kontinġenza għat-trasport li jistabbilixxi miżuri konkreti għall-protezzjoni tat-trasport tal-UE fi żminijiet ta’ kriżi.

  14. 18 ta' Mejju 2022

    Il-Kummissjoni tippreżenta pjanijiet għar-rispons immedjat tal-UE biex tindirizza l-ħtiġijiet ta’ finanzjament tal-Ukrajna u r-rikostruzzjoni fit-tul

    L-UE tiżvela sħubija strateġika mal-istati tal-Golf, bil-għan li twessa’ u tapprofondixxi l-kooperazzjoni tagħha mal-Kunsill ta’ Kooperazzjoni tal-Golf u l-pajjiżi membri tiegħu.

    Il-Kummissjoni u r-Rappreżentant Għoli jippreżentaw analiżi tal-lakuni fl-investiment fid-difiża u jipproponu aktar miżuri u azzjonijiet li huma meħtieġa biex tissaħħaħ il-bażi industrijali u teknoloġika tad-difiża tal-Ewropa.

    L-UE tippreżenta l-pjan REPowerEU biex titnaqqas b’ħeffa d-dipendenza fuq il-fjuwils fossili Russi u titħaffef it-tranżizzjoni ekoloġika.

  15. 13 ta' Mejju 2022

    Isir qbil politiku dwar regoli ġodda dwar iċ-ċibersigurtà tan-networks u tas-sistemi tal-informazzjoni, li jiżguraw li ċ-ċittadini u n-negozji jkunu protetti u jkun jista’ jkollhom fiduċja fis-servizzi essenzjali.

  16. 12 ta' Mejju 2022

    Il-Kummissjoni tipproponi li tistabbilixxi korsiji ta’ solidarjetà biex tgħin lill-Ukrajna tesporta l-prodotti agrikoli

    F’Tokjo, l-UE u l-Ġappun jorganizzaw it-tmienja u għoxrin summit tagħhom. Huma jaffermaw mill-ġdid ir-relazzjonijiet mill-qrib u komprensivi tagħhom u jniedu s-sħubija diġitali.

    Fit-tieni Summit Globali dwar il-COVID-19 il-Kummissjoni twiegħed li tħaffef l-introduzzjoni u l-adozzjoni tal-vaċċini u miżuri oħra tal-COVID-19 fl-Afrika b’appoġġ ulterjuri ta’ €400 miljun.

  17. 11 ta' Mejju 2022

    Il-Kummissjoni tipproponi leġiżlazzjoni ġdida tal-UE għall-prevenzjoni u għall-ġlieda kontra l-abbuż sesswali tat-tfal online

    Tassazzjoni korporattiva: Il-Kummissjoni tipproponi inċentiv fiskali għall-ekwità biex tgħin lill-kumpaniji jikbru, jissaħħu u jsiru aktar reżiljenti.

  18. 10 ta' Mejju 2022

    Isir qbil politiku dwar l-Att dwar ir-Reżiljenza Operazzjonali Diġitali, li jgħin biex jiġi żgurat li s-sistema finanzjarja tagħna tkun aktar reżiljenti għal attakki ċibernetiċi u għal riskji diġitali oħra.

  19. 9 - 10 ta’ Mejju 2022

    L-UE tospita s-sitt Konferenza ta’ Brussell dwar l-“Appoġġ għall-futur tas-Sirja u r-reġjun”, il-mobilizzazzjoni tal-għajnuna għas-Sirjani u l-komunitajiet ospitanti fil-pajjiżi ġirien permezz ta’ wegħdiet li jammontaw għal €6.4 biljun għall-2022 u lil hinn. Minn dan l-ammont l-UE wiegħdet aktar minn €4.8 biljun, b’aktar minn €3.1 biljun mill-Kummissjoni.

  20. 9 ta' Mejju 2022

    Il-Konferenza dwar il-Futur tal-Ewropa tikkonkludi l-ħidma tagħha. Il-vjaġġ ta’ diskussjoni, dibattitu u kollaborazzjoni tagħha li dam għaddej sena, bejn iċ-ċittadini u l-politiċi, jilħaq il-qofol tiegħu permezz ta’ 49 proposta u aktar minn 320 miżura għall-istituzzjonijiet tal-UE biex jibnu fuqhom.

  21. 3 ta' Mejju 2022

    Il-Kummissjoni tniedi l-Ispazju Ewropew tad-Data dwar is-Saħħa. Din se ssaħħaħ il-pożizzjoni tan-nies biex jikkontrollaw u jużaw id-

  22. 28 April 2022

    The EU and international partners put forward a Declaration for the Future of the Internet.

  23. 27 April 2022

    The Commission proposes a legal migration policy, including initiatives that will benefit the EU’s economy, strengthen cooperation with non-EU countries and improve overall migration management in the long term.

    The Commission proposes an EU law and a recommendation to tackle abusive lawsuits against journalists and human rights defenders.

  24. 26 April 2022

    Team Europe steps up support to the drought-affected countries in the Horn of Africa, with the EU and its Member States pledging a total of EUR 633 million to improve food security.

  25. 25 April 2022

    The Commission proposes to strengthen the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation’s mandate to collect and preserve evidence of war crimes and cooperate with international tribunals in this regard.

    President von der Leyen and Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, launch the EU–India Trade and Technology Council.

  26. 23 April 2022

    The Parliament and the Council reach a political agreement on the Digital Services Act. The act sets out an unprecedented new standard for the accountability of online platforms, better protecting internet users and their fundamental rights.

  27. 20 April 2022

    The EU marks 30 years of humanitarian aid and civil protection operations, helping people in emergencies all around the world.

  28. 9 April 2022

    The Stand Up for Ukraine global pledging event and campaign raises EUR 9.1 billion for people fleeing the Russian invasion, within Ukraine and abroad, including EUR 1 billion from the Commission. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development pledges an additional EUR 1 billion.

  29. 8 April 2022

    Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and High Representative Josep Borrell visit Ukraine and meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

    The EU agrees on a fifth package of restrictive measures against Russia in response to its brutal aggression against Ukraine and its people.

  30. 6 April 2022

    As a response to the impact of the Russia’s aggression ont Ukraine, the EU announces a support package worth EUR 225 million to support food security and resilience in the Middle East and North Africa.

    The EU takes action to support Africa’s Sahel and Lake Chad regions, with a total of EUR 554 million in funding to be used to both address acute food insecurity and enhance the sustainability of food systems in the longer term.

  31. 30 March 2022

    In the circular-economy field, new rules are proposed to make sustainable products the norm in the EU, improve circular business models and empower consumers for the green transition.

  32. 28 March 2022

    The Commission adopts a recommendation for Member States to take immediate steps on investor citizenship schemes and investor residence schemes in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

  33. 25 March 2022

    The Commission and the United States announce that they have agreed in principle on a new trans-Atlantic data privacy framework, which will foster trans-Atlantic data flows.

  34. 24 March 2022

    The Parliament and the Council reach a political agreement on the Digital Markets Act. The act will ensure fair, open and contestable digital markets for digital businesses to grow within the single market and compete globally.

  35. 23 March 2022

    The Commission adopts a temporary crisis framework to enable Member States to use the flexibility provided for under State-aid rules to support the economy in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    The Commission outlines options to mitigate high energy prices by means of common gas purchases and minimum gas-storage obligations.

    The Commission presents measures to enhance global food security and to support farmers and consumers in the EU in the light of rising food prices and input costs.

  36. 22 March 2022

    The first day of application of the pan-European personal pension product regulation, paving the way for a new voluntary EU-wide scheme to help people save for their retirement.

    The Commission launches a one-stop shop to support Ukrainian researchers.

  37. 21 March 2022

    The EU agrees on a strategic compass for stronger EU security and defence in the next decade.

  38. 16 March 2022

    The Commission proposes changes to the central securities depositories regulation to enhance the efficiency of the EU’s settlement markets while safeguarding financial stability – a key component of the 2020 capital markets union action plan.

  39. 15 de March 2022

    The EU imposes a fourth package of economic and individual sanctions in respect of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.

  40. 11 March 2022

    The Freeze and Seize Task Force, set up by the Commission to ensure the efficient implementation of the EU’s sanctions against listed Russian and Belarussian oligarchs across EU territory, is launched.

  41. 9 March 2022

    The Commission sets up solidarity mechanism for medical transfers of refugees within the EU under the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

    In view of the situation in Ukraine and in response to Belarus’s involvement in the aggression, the EU imposes further targeted sanctions.

  42. 8 March 2022

    The Commission proposes EU-wide rules to combat violence against women and domestic violence.

    The Commission proposes the cohesion’s action for refugees in Europe initiative, allowing Member States and regions to provide emergency support to people fleeing from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

  43. 2 March 2022

    The Commission proposes to activate the temporary protection directive to offer quick and effective assistance to people fleeing the war in Ukraine.

  44. 28 February 2022

    The EU approves a third package of sanctions against Russia.

  45. 25 February 2022

    The EU imposes further individual and economic sanctions to respond to Russia’s military aggression. This second package of sanctions covers the finance, energy, transport and technology sectors, along with visa policy.

  46. 23 February 2022

    The EU agrees on a package of sanctions to respond to Russia’s recognition of the non-government-controlled areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts in Ukraine as independent entities, and the decision to send Russian troops into these areas.

    The Commission proposes a new directive on corporate sustainability due diligence, laying down rules for companies to respect human rights and the environment in global value chains.

    The Commission proposes a new EU data act, containing rules on who can use and access data generated in the EU across all economic sectors, to ensure fairness in the digital environment and open opportunities for data-driven innovation.

  47. 19 February 2022

    Following a request for assistance by Ukraine in view of escalating threats by Russia, the European Response Coordination Centre activates the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. By June, over 35 000 tonnes of assistance to Ukraine from all 27 EU Member States, Turkey, Norway and North Macedonia have been delivered to Ukraine.

  48. 17 - 18 February 2022

    At the African Union–EU Summit in Brussels, the leaders agree on a joint vision for 2030. This will be supported by the Africa-Europe Investment Package with investments worth EUR 150 billion.

  49. 15 February 2022

    The EU initiates a satellite-based connectivity system and boosts action on managing space traffic for a more digital and resilient Europe.

    The Commission presents measures to contribute to European defence, increase innovation and address strategic dependencies. These new initiatives are concrete steps towards a more integrated and competitive European defence market, particularly by enhancing cooperation within the EU.

  50. 8 February 2022

    The Commission proposes a comprehensive set of measures to ensure the EU’s resilience, technological leadership and security of supply in the field of semiconductor technologies and applications.

  51. 2 February 2022

    The Commission proposes a standardisation strategy, putting forward a new approach to enable global leadership of EU standards promoting values and a resilient, green and digital single market.

    The Commission approves in principle a complementary climate delegated act that includes, under strict conditions, specific nuclear and gas energy activities in the list of economic activities covered by the EU taxonomy. This will help accelerate the shift from solid or liquid fossil fuels, including coal, towards a climate-neutral future.

  52. 1 February 2022

    The Commission proposes a EUR 1.2 billion emergency macro-financial assistance package for Ukraine.

  53. 27 January 2022

    The Commission adopts new guidelines on State aid relating to the climate, environmental protection and energy.

  54. 26 January 2022

    The Commission puts forward a declaration on digital rights and principles for everyone in the EU.

  55. 18 January 2022

    The Commission publishes a toolkit to help mitigate foreign interference in research and innovation.

    In the higher-education field, the Commission adopts two new initiatives to make universities in the EU ready for the future through deeper transnational cooperation.

  56. 14 January 2022

    The Commission adopts a proposal for a Council recommendation on learning for environmental sustainability.

  57. 1 January 2022

    The European Year of Youth starts.

    20 years of the euro in our pockets.

  58. 22 December 2022

    Fair taxation: The Commission proposes swift transposition of the international agreement on minimum taxation of multinationals.

  59. 21 December 2021

    A new policy is proposed to support disarmament, demobilisation and the reintegration of former combatants, as part of the EU’s wider contribution to peacebuilding.

  60. 16 December 2021

    A renewed agenda on recovery and resilience reform is put forward at the Eastern Partnership Summit.

  61. 15 December 2021

    The EU and Moldova sign a EUR 60 million grant financing agreement to help the country face its current severe gas crisis.

    A new Commission digital finance strategy paves the way for modern and streamlined supervisory data reporting.

    The Commission proposes a new EU framework to decarbonise gas markets, promote hydrogen and reduce methane emissions.

  62. 14 December 2021

    The Commission proposes new rules to make the Schengen area without internal border controls more resilient.

    To support the transition to cleaner, greener and smarter mobility, the Commission proposes modernising the EU’s transport system.

  63. 9 December 2021

    The Commission proposes to improve the working conditions of people working through digital labour platforms and publishes draft guidelines on the application of competition rules to collective agreements by solo self-employed people.

    The Commission proposes to extend the list of EU crimes to include hate speech and hate crime.

    The Commission presents an action plan to help the European social economy thrive, tapping into both its economic potential and its contribution to a fair and inclusive recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

  64. 8 December 2021

    The Commission proposes a new tool to counter the use of deliberate economic pressure by non-EU countries.

    At the Nutrition for Growth Summit, the Commission pledges to improve nutrition by providing EUR 2.5 billion in funding between 2021 and 2024.

  65. 1 December 2021

    The Commission paves the way for the further digitalisation of EU justice systems, making them more accessible and effective.

    The EU launches the Global Gateway, a new European strategy to improve smart, clean and secure links in the fields of digital, energy and transport and to strengthen health, education and research systems across the world.

  66. 26 November 2021

    At the ASEM Summit, the EU and Asia reaffirm their shared partnership and engagement towards a stronger recovery from the pandemic.

  67. 25 November 2021

    The Commission proposes new measures to improve the ability of companies to raise capital across the EU and to ensure that people living in the EU get the best deals for their savings and investments.

    The Commission sets out new laws on political advertising, electoral rights and party funding, aimed at protecting election integrity and open democratic debate.

  68. 19 November 2021

    TAIEX (the Commission’s Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument) celebrates its 25th anniversary. Over the last two and a half decades, it has mobilised EU public experts over 40 000 times in more than 26 000 events, helping public administrations in EU and globally to address digital, environmental and health challenges.

  69. 18 November 2021

    The Commission adopts a communication on a competition policy fit for new challenges, which frames the important role of competition policy for Europe’s path towards recovery, for the green and digital transitions and for a resilient single market.

  70. 17 November 2021

    The Commission adopts new proposals to stop deforestation, innovate on sustainable waste management and make soils healthy for people, nature and the climate.

  71. 13 November 2021

    Political agreement is reached to strengthen the work of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, particularly in areas of surveillance, early warning, preparedness and response.

  72. 2 November 2021

    The Commission announces a EUR 1 billion pledge to protect the world’s forests at the COP26 conference on climate change.

  73. 28 October 2021

    The reinforced mandate of the European Medicines Agency proposed by the Commission enters into force.

  74. 27 October 2021

    The Commission adopts a review of EU banking rules – to ensure that banks in the EU become more resilient to potential future economic shocks while contributing to Europe’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the transition to climate neutrality.

  75. 13 October 2021

    The Commission and High Representative / Vice-President Josep Borrell put forward an approach on stronger EU engagement for a peaceful, sustainable and prosperous Arctic.

  76. 12 October 2021

    The Commission issues the first green bond to finance the sustainable recovery.

  77. 5 October 2021

    The Commission presents the first-ever EU strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life.

  78. 29 September 2021

    The Commission adopts the communication on European missions, aiming to tackle significant challenges relating to health, climate and the environment and to achieve ambitious and inspiring goals in these areas.

  79. 23 September 2021

    The Commission proposes a common charger for electronic devices – an important step towards reducing e-waste and consumer inconvenience.

  80. 22 September 2021

    The Commission adopts a comprehensive review of EU insurance rules, helping insurance companies scale up long-term investment while also aiming to make the insurance and reinsurance sector more resilient.

  81. 16 September 2021

    The EU proposes a strengthened partnership with the Indo-Pacific region to advance trade, investment and connectivity.

    The Commission launches the European Health Emergency preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) to prevent, detect, and rapidly respond to health emergencies.

    The Commission proposes a path to the digital decade to deliver the EU’s digital transformation by 2030.

    The Commission adopts its first-ever recommendation on the safety of journalists.

  82. 15 September 2021

    The European Commission adopts the communication on the New European Bauhaus, setting out the framework, core principles and key measures that will drive the initiative forward.

  • 8 SETTEMBRU 2022
L-Istat tal-Unjoni 2022 - Kronoloġija


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